As a national competition, Design Prize Switzerland has been honouring the Swiss design industry since 1991. Every second year the participants and their projects are honoured on an equal level. Both the nominators and the members of the jury are independent and obliged solely to maintain the highest quality criteria. We want to use the award to offer an internationally respected seal of quality which stands for the excellence of the Swiss design industry.
We understand design to be an innovation which adds value. Good design makes products, machinery, services or spaces usable, comprehensible, long-lasting and aesthetic. This attitude implies that design is a holistic creative and developmental process and therefore has the highest economic, corporate and social relevance. Design is know-how and for us the key discipline for a sustainable future.
Design creates added value and identity. And in this way leads to unique features which are profitable for industry and trade. We believe that design represents a competitive advantage and is therefore relevant to the economic system. This is why Design Prize Switzerland also sees itself as an institution with the task of strengthening the importance of Swiss design through competition. We are continually expanding our networks to build bridges between clients and designers, between consumers and designers.
«Ich schätze das zeitgemässe Verständnis von Gestaltung und die internationale Jury. Sie machen eine Eingabe beim Design Preis Schweiz zu einem Gradmesser in der Designwelt.»