
As a national compe­ti­tion, Design Prize Switzer­land has been honouring the Swiss design industry for thirty years. Every second year the partic­i­pants and their projects are honoured on an equal level. Both the nomi­na­tors and the members of the jury are inde­pen­dent and obliged solely to main­tain the highest quality criteria. We want to use the award to offer an inter­na­tion­ally respected seal of quality which stands for the excel­lence of the Swiss design industry.


We under­stand design to be an inno­va­tion which adds value. Good design makes prod­ucts, machinery, services or spaces usable, compre­hen­sible, long-lasting and aesthetic. This atti­tude implies that design is a holistic creative and devel­op­mental process and there­fore has the highest economic, corpo­rate and social rele­vance. Design is know-how and for us the key disci­pline for a sustain­able future.


Design creates added value and iden­tity. And in this way leads to unique features which are prof­itable for industry and trade. We believe that design repre­sents a compet­i­tive advan­tage and is there­fore rele­vant to the economic system. This is why Design Prize Switzer­land also sees itself as an insti­tu­tion with the task of strength­ening the impor­tance of Swiss design through compe­ti­tion. We are contin­u­ally expanding our networks to build bridges between clients and designers, between consumers and designers.

«Ich schätze das zeit­gemässe Verständnis von Gestal­tung und die inter­na­tionale Jury. Sie machen eine Eingabe beim Design Preis Schweiz zu einem Gradmesser in der Design­welt.» Daniel Wehrli Indus­triedesigner