As a non-profit-making asso­ci­a­tion, Design Prize Switzer­land lives from its long-standing part­ner­ships with insti­tu­tions from the public sector, compa­nies, foun­da­tions and organ­i­sa­tions in civil society. We invest all the funds gener­ated into the plat­form and the managing board of Design Prize Switzer­land works on an honorary basis. We and our part­ners are committed and this comes from a convic­tion to honour, commu­ni­cate and promote Swiss design at a national and inter­na­tional level. We would like to say thanks! – for your trust and your active support.

Main Part­ners


Premium Part­ners

Coop­er­a­tion Part­ners

Media Part­ners

The new media part­ners will be announced from the end of January 2023.

Friends of Design Preis Schweiz

Fabi­enne Barras
D. Eveline Kägi
Eva Mechler
Evelyne Roth
Renaud Defrancesco

Kirstin Maclean
Olaf Nitschmann — Live In Design
Kurt Schmid
Uli Huber

Muriel Mangold
Valerie Notter de Rabanal
This Weber
Kurt Zihlmann

Would you like to become our partner too? Here you will find the infor­ma­tion about the network and coop­er­a­tion part­ner­ship, or contact us directly.