The call for entries for Edition 23 started on 23 March 2023. The next edition will start at the begin­ning of 2025.


The submis­sion is made online. Once your personal details have been regis­tered, select the desired cate­gory. You will then be asked to answer specific ques­tions about the product/project. Supple­men­tary image and film files as well as docu­ments can also be uploaded.

Regis­tra­tion fee:
CHF 390.—

CHF 90.—

For profes­sionals who have completed a design degree or design-oriented educa­tion no longer than 3 years ago.

No further fees are being levied.

In a first phase, the works are eval­u­ated by nomi­na­tion-teams, who are proven experts in the respec­tive disci­pline they are judging. The nomi­na­tion teams then submit a pre-selec­tion to the inter­na­tional jury panel.

The nomi­nated works have to be submitted phys­i­cally. In the course of a 3‑day jury process the winners are being selected by an inter­na­tional jury of experts with repre­sen­ta­tives from all design disci­plines.

  1. All the nomi­na­tions will be docu­mented and prepared for media work. Specif­i­cally, all nomi­nated projects will be portrayed at the judging in Zurich.
  2. By partic­i­pating in the compe­ti­tion, the partic­i­pants are auto­mat­i­cally giving their consent that they and their entries are permitted to be recorded on video. This consent applies world­wide, for all media and without any restric­tions in terms of time as part of the Design Prize Switzer­land commu­ni­ca­tions campaign.
  3. The nomi­nees declare that they are in agree­ment that the high-reso­lu­tion images submitted when they register for the compe­ti­tion (photos, films, etc.) can be used for media commu­ni­ca­tion.
  4. Partic­i­pants transfer the rights of use to all the audio-visual prod­ucts submitted (photos, films, etc.) for all commu­ni­ca­tion measures taken by Design Prize Switzer­land to Design Prize Switzer­land.
  5. The portraits of the works will be published for the first time via the social media chan­nels and the website of the Design Prize Switzer­land. The press kit can subse­quently be used again by the nomi­nees.

The invi­ta­tion will take place at the Mark­thalle in Langen­thal (by invi­ta­tion only).

Awarded and nomi­nated works, will be further presented at different occa­sions and exhi­bi­tions. Specific activ­i­ties aim at linking the designers and compa­nies with rele­vant target groups.


Appli­ca­tions are invited from designers, compa­nies and students of appro­priate design colleges. Appli­cants must demon­strate that they have a connec­tion with Switzer­land – at least one of the indi­vid­uals signif­i­cantly involved in the work submitted must be of Swiss nation­ality or work in Switzer­land.

All forms of expres­sion with rele­vance to design are permitted: Circular Design, Food Design, Furni­ture Design, Inclu­sive Design, Inte­rior Design, Product Design.

The proce­dure is laid down by the jury. The jury will give no justi­fi­ca­tion for its declining to award a prize to a given entry. The deci­sion of the nomi­na­tors and the jury is final. Legal action is excluded. Regis­tra­tion implies that partic­i­pants acknowl­edge the rules of the compe­ti­tion.

The partic­i­pants them­selves are respon­sible for ensuring that their submis­sions are docu­mented in writing prior to submis­sion and, if neces­sary, deposited as designs with the Swiss Federal Insti­tute of Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty ( The partic­i­pants agree that the Design Preis Schweiz may publish and repro­duce submitted projects as well as pictures and names of the partic­i­pants in connec­tion with the awarding of the current design prize, but also later as part of its public rela­tions work. The use of the Design Preis Schweiz logo, which is protected by trade­mark law, by the partic­i­pants requires the written consent of the Design Preis Schweiz.

Partic­i­pants shall under­take to make their work avail­able for the exhi­bi­tion and for trade fair presen­ta­tion in case they should be nomi­nated.