Together with the Zürcherische Seidenin­dus­trie Gesellschaft (ZSIG) and Pro Helvetia, we once again invite you to the Sutra House in Basel from May 1 to 4, 2025.


The Design Retreat offers emerging talents from the Swiss design industry, DPS alumni, and the DPS commu­nity of all ages the oppor­tu­nity to take conscious time (offline) at a special loca­tion over several days to reflect on their own projects and work methods. Experts provide engaging inputs on topics such as circular design and inno­va­tion, as well as strate­gies for dividing everyday work sustain­ably into a healthy “work­flow.” Exclu­sive insights into food design build a thematic bridge between circular economy, produc­tivity, sustain­able consump­tion, and design.

This creates added value on multiple levels:


  • Knowl­edge transfer on topics such as circular design, inno­va­tion, and food design is promoted.
  • Discus­sions about personal projects and the estab­lish­ment of a healthy work culture lead to new insights.
  • The shared expe­ri­ence of the new Design Retreat format sustain­ably expands the network among talents from the Swiss design industry, DPS alumni, and experts from various design disci­plines.

Apply now!

Please register via THIS FORM by February 20, 2025 (midnight). Spaces are limited, and partic­i­pants will be selected by a jury.

We look forward to receiving your appli­ca­tion and will get back to you by no later than March 3. If you have any ques­tions, feel free to contact us.