And the winners are …

Joy and cele­bra­tion are the order of the day on 3 November at the largest networking event of the Swiss design industry: the Design Prize Switzer­land awards cere­mony.

The stars along­side the inno­v­a­tive cuisine, the vibrant party and the renowned jury members and part­ners are clearly the winners of the Edition 23 award.

The diver­sity of the winning projects reads like a reflec­tion of the current zeit­geist. They address all currently rele­vant social issues, in keeping with the theme of Edition 23: Trans­for­ma­tion. They range from circu­larity and inno­v­a­tive food concepts to inclu­sive design themes, novel office design and inno­v­a­tive surgical devices. As different as the projects are, they all show that design is not super­fi­cial design, but that in addi­tion to new visions, complex devel­op­ment processes and lengthy research work are behind them.

The projects were selected from seven cate­gories. For the first time, an award was presented in the new Food Design cate­gory. You can find all the winning projects in our Hall of Fame:

Winners DPS 23
Circular Design: Dual­Cir­cuit Shirt
Food Design: Wirtshaus Rosi
Furni­ture Design: Park Chair
Inclu­sive Design: Finally.
Inclu­sive Design, Special Mention: Inclu­sive Fashion
Inte­rior Design: On Campus, Zurich
Product Design: 3Fold
Young Profes­sionals: Ecomade