Offline journey

We are using the current rainy days to inten­sively prepare the new edition and look forward to sharing more with you soon. Happy summer days – they will come!

In recent months, we have mostly been offline, starting with a spec­tac­ular appear­ance at the Salone del Mobile in Milan. After that, we conducted the second Design Retreat in collab­o­ra­tion with ZSIG and Pro Helvetia at the Sutra House in Basel. Twelve designers spent four days offline. The main topics were Circular Design, Suffi­ciency, Resilience, and Food Design. The next retreat is already in the plan­ning stages.

Together with Yael Anders, we embarked on an inspiring road trip in the all-elec­tric Audi Q8 e‑tron with our partner Audi to this year’s Design Days in Lausanne. The full report with pictures by Kim Pham can be read in the current issue of Espaces Contem­po­rains. This was followed by a brief visit to Art Basel and the Swiss Design Awards cere­mony. We are very pleased that last year’s Design Prize Switzer­land winner, Joel Hügli, won another award with Ecomade!