Diploma Exhi­bi­tion Next Gener­a­tion 2024 of HGK Basel

Diploma Exhi­bi­tion Next Gener­a­tion 2024 of HGK Basel

The diploma exhi­bi­tion NEXT Gener­a­tion 2024 of the Academy of Art and Design Basel FHNW (HGK Basel) can be seen from September 14 to 19 on the Dreispitz campus and online at nextgeneration.hgk.fhnw.ch.

Would you like to explore the imme­diate present from the perspec­tive of design and art? Take a glimpse into our designed future? The diploma exhi­bi­tion NEXT Gener­a­tion 2024 invites you to immerse your­self in the diverse world of grad­u­ates from all bachelor’s and master’s programs at HGK Basel.


Expect: exper­i­mental and at the same time crit­ical engage­ments with the pressing issues of our time as well as concrete solu­tions to shape our soci­etal future.

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