New Edition starts 25 February

The submis­sion phase for Design Preis Schweiz starts on February 25, 2025. We are looking for outstanding projects, inno­v­a­tive ideas, and best prac­tices that repre­sent the diver­sity and excel­lence of the Swiss design industry.


Seven disci­plines, including the newly rede­fined cate­gory «Inclu­sive Design» in coop­er­a­tion with the Swiss Para­plegic Foun­da­tion. We are not only looking for existing projects but also new ideas that can be devel­oped to market readi­ness!

Submis­sion Phases

Early Bird: February 25 – March 24
Regular: March 25 – June 14
Late: June 15 – 29

All details on cate­gories and dead­lines can be found HERE.