Long­valley Island

In our fast-paced, digi­tally driven era, the Design Preis Schweiz creates a unique space with the Long­valley Island, where designers, vision­aries, industry repre­sen­ta­tives, and a broad, design-inter­ested audi­ence come together to reflect on their personal roles in the context of soci­etal change. The design festival is not a tradi­tional exhi­bi­tion but an inspiring expe­ri­ence that engages visi­tors on a multi­sen­sory level. We invite you to discon­nect for a few hours and become aware of your indi­vidual respon­si­bility as a consumer, producer, and creator.

Save the dates: November 7–8, 2025, in Langen­thal. More infor­ma­tion about the detailed program and tick­eting will follow.