We Are Ona

Foodies and art fans take note: The inter­na­tion­ally renowned pop-up restau­rant We Are Ona invites you on a gastro­nomic voyage of discovery during Art Basel.

Founded in 2019 by Luca Pron­zato, WE ARE ONA repre­sents a new era of food and expe­ri­ence design. With pop-up restau­rants in the most unusual loca­tions world­wide — from Los Angeles and New York to Paris and Arles, Basel and Zermatt — the young company creates a plat­form for talented, up-and-coming chefs that has it all. From 11 to 18 June, the up-and-coming chef Mathias Degn invites you on a 5‑course culi­nary voyage of discovery: an expe­ri­ence for all the senses.