A confer­ence for designers, devel­opers and manu­fac­turers

24 September 2021
09:00 — 18:00
Berner Gener­a­tio­nen­haus

We are living longer and longer. New lifestyles and needs for prod­ucts and services are emerging. That’ s why it’ s impor­tant to moti­vate designers, devel­opers and manu­fac­turers to come up with design-related and needs-oriented solu­tions.


Purely func­tional offers disre­gard aesthetic demands. Design, as an emphatic process, can prevent stig­ma­ti­sa­tion and enable a full end of life. Self-deter­mined living and partic­i­pa­tive life in society are thus the higher, sustain­able goal.

Are these chal­lenges in a project devel­op­ment not new to you, or do you want to orien­tate your­self for the first time? Let our experts inform you, inspire you to new projects and actively partic­i­pate in the work­shop.

The number of partic­i­pants is limited. Regis­tra­tion is binding and free of charge. The confer­ence will be held in German.

Programm Konferenz & Workshops Ageing Society 1
Programm Konferenz & Workshops Ageing Society 2
Programm Konferenz & Workshops Ageing Society 3