Isa Pasqualini


Isabella Pasqualini is an archi­tect (ETH Zurich, 2000), artist and a scien­tist with a PhD in archi­tec­ture and cogni­tive neuro­science (EPF Lausanne, 2012). Through her works, she inves­ti­gates the mutual and inti­mate rela­tion­ship between body and space using immer­sive and inter­ac­tive multi­media, with a partic­ular interest in the multi­sen­sory enhance­ment of the user’s horizon. For her post-doc project “Visual Touches – Touching Views” on emotion and cardio-visual biofeed­back in virtual inte­riors at the Bertarelli Center of Neuro­pros­thetics (EPFL), she obtained the pres­ti­gious fellow­ship grant from the Cogito Foun­da­tion (2013). Currently, a research fellow at the Lucerne Univer­sity of Applied Arts and Sciences (HSLU), Isabella is also a faculty member of LeaV at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles (Ensa‑V), and a lecturer at the first Master for Neuro­science Applied to Archi­tec­tural Design (NAAD) at the IUAV Univer­sity in Venice. In the past, she has been a visiting Professor at the Art and Design Academy of Tsinghua Univer­sity in Beijing, at the ZHdK Zurich Univer­sity of the Arts, and a lecturer for urban visu­al­iza­tion at the School of Envi­ron­mental Sciences and Engi­neering at EPFL. Isabella has planned a new city in Angola and built a tempo­rary bank building in Luanda. She has won several compe­ti­tion prizes and exhib­ited her work at Swiss and inter­na­tional art venues (Mappings Visual-Audio and Deviant Elec­tronics Festival 2018, MAXXI Rome 2018, Guiyang Inter­na­tional Comics and Anima­tion Festival 2018, Venice Bien­nale 2016, Werkschau Architektur 2015, Shanghai Art, Science & Tech­nology Exhi­bi­tion 2012 (SAST Award 2012), Beijing Design Week & Beijing Trien­nale 2011, EAC ‘Les Halles’ 2011, Swiss Art Awards 2008 & 2010, City of Helsinki 2007, City of Rome 2006. Isabella is a scien­tific reviewer and an editor. She has a mandate as an expert for Inno­su­isse, the Swiss Federal Agency for Inno­va­tion and works as a specialist for busi­ness start-ups and urban plan­ning.