Isabel Rosa Müggler Zumstein

Isabel Rosa Müggler

Isabel Rosa Müggler Zumstein (born 1976) is a designer with back­ground in textiles and works currently as a researcher and lecturer in the field of mate­ri­ality at the Lucerne Univer­sity of Applied Sciences & Arts. Her research focuses on novel processes, as well as resource issues and mean­ings of mate­rials in rela­tion to their users at the inter­face of high tech — low tech.

For more than ten years she has devel­oped research projects in collab­o­ra­tion with insti­tu­tions and compa­nies in an applied frame­work. Numerous results from this have been intro­duced to the market by the part­ners. In 2019 she was together with the research group prod­ucts & textiles winner of the Design Prize Switzer­land in the cate­gory Research with the project DAFAT.

With her company Tiger Liz Textiles based in Zurich, she develops and produces func­tional, sustain­able soft mate­rials and prod­ucts for diverse appli­ca­tions in archi­tec­ture, inte­riors and medi­cine. Her personal starting point for design is always colour and its multi­fac­eted expres­sion in mate­rial and product.