Sarra Ganouchi

Since 2020, Sarra Ganouchi is a partner and designer at Reform, a studio for strategic design and sustain­able devel­op­ment, where she supports and guides orga­ni­za­tions in their trans­for­ma­tion towards a circular and regen­er­a­tive future. After receiving her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in design from the Zurich Univer­sity of Arts, she founded a branding agency as well as her own circular design-inspired textile company “fouta — everyday towels made to last”.

In addi­tion to her many years of expe­ri­ence as an entre­pre­neur, she has exper­tise in strategic design, brand devel­op­ment and manage­ment, design lead­er­ship, circular design and regen­er­a­tive design. She has been instru­mental in Reform’s realign­ment and values and has devel­oped the company into a certi­fied B Corp.

Together with Simon Widmer, she is actively involved in the Circular Design Circle, an open and inclu­sive commu­nity whose goal is to strengthen the prac­tice of Circular Design and promote posi­tive change. Their vision is to make Switzer­land a hotspot for Circular Design, compa­rable to a thriving forest ecosystem where all elements thrive and are syner­gis­ti­cally connected.




Young Professionals

The submissions will be evaluated by the experts of the respective discipline.