Sophia Moeschlin

Sophia Moeschlin

Sophia Moeschlin (1991) lives and works in Zurich. She studied indus­trial and product design at écal in Lausanne and works for Nose Design Expe­ri­ence. With her “vegan fur” — a mate­rial inno­va­tion — she was nomi­nated (with Lya Rennhard) for the German Ecode­sign Award. Her diploma thesis was exhib­ited at the Design-Week in Dubai. She has been involved in a broad range of product devel­op­ments, from lighting to rail­ways and has worked in various design studios. Effi­ciency and atten­tion to detail are impor­tant to her. She sees herself as an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary inter­preter and likes to work at the inter­sec­tions between customers, manu­fac­turers, engi­neers, and other designers. She believes that good design can make a differ­ence and loves the chal­lenge of finding convincing solu­tions.