Stéphanie Estoppey

Stéphanie Estoppey

From 2021 to 2024, Stéphanie Estoppey, indus­trial designer and co-owner of STUDIOCOLONY, is part of the consor­tium of the NTN inno­va­tion booster “Applied Circular Sustain­ability”, which is supported by Inno­su­isse and specif­i­cally helps SMEs to make their prod­ucts circular.

Stéphanie Estoppey, born 1985, has worked at Priestman Goode (London), Nitzan Cohen (Munich) and Stauf­facher Benz Design (Zurich). She studied and grad­u­ated in Indus­trial Design at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung FHNW and at the Libera Univer­sità di Bolzano.

STUDIOCOLONY was founded in 2012 by Stéphanie Estoppey and Ozan Alaca. The Basel-based studio success­fully designs prod­ucts for compa­nies such as Mibelle Group, Rotavis AG, Sidler AG, SIGG Bottles Switzer­land and Similor AG (Laufen Group). STUDIOCOLONY persis­tently pursues the goal of applying Circular Economy prin­ci­ples and designing prod­ucts to be of value beyond their useful life.