Thomas W. Meyer

Thomas Meyer

Thomas W. Meyer (1952) has passed his long career at Bischoff Textiles Ltd. and was mainly in charge of the marketing and sales as well as the design and devel­op­ment depart­ment. Working stays in London and Paris and further educa­tion in different fields completed his great expe­ri­ence in the textile industry. He was strongly committed to the Swiss Textiles Feder­a­tion and long­time pres­i­dent of the Embroi­dery Manu­fac­turer- and Export divi­sion. Several awards and the nomi­na­tion as “Creator of the Year 2014” for Bischoff by Eurovet and the “Ville de Paris” were high­lights. In addi­tion to his expert activ­i­ties for the Design Prize Switzer­land, he is Pres­i­dent of Textil­land Ostschweiz.