Design talk with Alexa Blum

We regu­larly promote creative makers who shape the vibe of the local design scene — like designer Alexa Blum, who has her studio in our home base Langen­thal.

1. Chal­lenge: What are you thinking about right now?

The project with the old foundry in Riedwil, which I bought with my husband and friends, is what drives me the most. The chal­lenge is how to formu­late a concept that is powerful but at the same time leaves a lot open. The goal is a lively, change­able mix of studios, living space and open spaces.


2. Passion: You are involved with evidence-based colour and design projects, also in the field of inclu­sive design. What can they achieve there?

My strenght is: combining science and design, because it is measur­able that you can achieve a certain effect with evidence-based colour design. They create compre­hen­sible struc­tures, orien­ta­tion and secu­rity. Targeted impulses support processes, iden­tity becomes visible and connects.


3. Desired coop­er­a­tion: with whom would you like to realise a project?

Gener­ally with offices and people who are passionate about their respec­tive profes­sions. That’s what I do in my special field, and when my coun­ter­part does the same, very cool things emerge.


4. Newcomer: Who from the national and inter­na­tional design scene do you currently follow?

There are many young designers who don’t follow the usual path but do their thing inde­pen­dently and consis­tently, which is exciting. One of them is Andri Oppliger, whom I have known for a long time. After a bachelor’s degree in fashion design at HEAD Genève, he is now studying archi­tec­ture at the ETH and is looking for ideas to combine sustain­ability and aesthetics.


5. Dinner round: Who from the Swiss and inter­na­tional design scene would ideally sit at the table with you?

Hmm, I would prefer to be surprised, because some­times the most exciting encoun­ters arise completely by chance. When I think about it, I would really like to have such an exper­i­ment. Maybe Design Preis Schweiz can organise it …


6. Hotspot: Which place do you partic­u­larly like in Langen­thal?

The Grüne Halle, which also has a long tradi­tion with Design Preis Schweiz. It has become an extremely lively place where many things come together. For example, an inclu­sive project that combines design with inte­gra­tion, or Vagner Aguiar’s restau­rant.

7. What do you find in Langen­thal that inspires you in your everyday life and work?

Air, open spaces and places with design history. Never­the­less, you are close to Paris or Milan.


8. As a Person from Langen­thal, have you ever missed a Design Preis Schweiz award cere­mony and what is the event for you?

Never since I’ve lived in Langen­thal, that is since 1994. I think the conti­nuity and change of the prize is great. The cate­gories renew or change parallel to current design topics and social discus­sions.

9. Time travel: What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?

On the one hand, I would like to deepen my knowl­edge, and on the other hand, I would like to actively contribute to creating a new aware­ness among profes­sionals and in society that evidence-based colour and design projects are valu­able because a very targeted effect can be achieved.