Coffee culture for aesthetes

Devel­oped from scratch and top-notch in terms of both design and func­tion, the espresso machines are manu­fac­tured in the company’s own factory in the middle of Zurich.

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New cate­gory: Food Design

Food design describes a broad field that deals with cooking itself, the devel­op­ment of new food recipes, the depic­tion of food (for adver­tising and commu­ni­ca­tion) and the presen­ta­tion of food in a spatial as well as social context (inno­v­a­tive gastronomy concepts).

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Design Talk with Yael Anders

The Design Guide not only takes you to inspiring places, but also portrays exciting designers who are shaping the vibe of the local design scene — like Yael Anders.

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Curated and mapped

With the Design Guide, we are launching a lively plat­form for the Swiss creative indus­tries, for the entire design scene, our network part­ners and the design-inter­ested public.

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Design Retreat

Together with Pro Helvetia and the Zürcherische Seidenin­dus­trie Gesellschaft (ZSIG), we are launching the new Design Retreat format this summer.

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A confer­ence for designers, devel­opers and manu­fac­turers

24 September 2021 09:00 — 18:00 Berner Gener­a­tio­nen­haus We are living longer and longer. New lifestyles and needs for prod­ucts and services are emerging. That’ s why it’ s impor­tant to moti­vate designers, devel­opers and manu­fac­turers to come up with design-related and needs-oriented solu­tions.   Purely func­tional offers disre­gard aesthetic demands. Design, as an emphatic…

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3. Sympo­sium Solares Bauen, 14. September 2021, ETH Zürich

Das Sympo­sium Solares Bauen findet am 14. September an der ETH Zürich und Online statt. Es erwarten Sie span­nende Referate zu den neusten Entwick­lungen des Solaren Bauens im Allge­meinen und spez­i­fisch in Bezug zu Stadtk­lima und Arealpla­nung.   Architekt:innen und weitere Akteure wie Rune Grasdal vom inter­na­tional renom­mierten Architek­tur­büro Snøhetta, Sven Kowalewsky von jessen­vol­len­weider architektur…

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be-connected – die neue Berner Vernet­zungsplat­tform für Inno­va­tion + Unternehmertum

Ab sofort finden KMU, Star­tups und Privat­per­sonen vor Firmen­grün­dung auf in wenigen Klicks das ihnen noch fehlende Hilf­sangebot und können direkt mit der richtigen Ansprech­person in Kontakt treten. be-connected vernetzt Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer direkt mit den Menschen, die sie unter­stützen können, und stärkt so die Berner Wirtschaft.   Um Berner Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer optimal…

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