Design talk with Alexa Blum

The Design Preis Schweiz regu­larly profiles creative makers who shape the vibe of the local design scene — like designer Alexa Blum, who has her studio in our home base Langen­thal.

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Design Talk mit Martin von Freeden

Der Design Preis Schweiz porträtiert regelmässig kreative Macher:innen, die den Vibe der hiesigen Design­szene prägen – so wie Designer Martin von Freeden, Head of Corpo­rate Design bei V‑Zug.

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Discover the Nomi­nees

29 of a total of 250 projects submitted for this year’s Design Preis Schweiz have been nomi­nated: refreshing and inno­v­a­tive contri­bu­tions to different areas of design. On 1 September, the nomi­nated projects of Edition 23 can be discov­ered at close quar­ters during the Zurich Design Weeks.

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We Are Ona

Foodies and art fans take note: The inter­na­tion­ally renowned pop-up restau­rant We Are Ona invites you on a gastro­nomic voyage of discovery during Art Basel.

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Coole Collab

The collab between Gela­teria di Berna and the Design Preis Schweiz is both eye-catching and a treat for the palate, natural and sustain­able.

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Design Talk with Johannes Willi

The Design Guide not only leads to inspiring places, but also portrays creative makers who shape the vibe of the local design scene — like artist Johannes Willi.

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Basel vibe by Rik Bovens

A lot flows together in the city on the Rhine. As a creative Basel resi­dent by choice, the diverse cultural scene is partic­u­larly close to my heart. The fact that, in addi­tion to art, archi­tec­ture, graphics and design are also an inte­gral part of Basel’s city life is shown by the highest density of museums in Switzer­land. I prefer to spend my time in one of the count­less museums or on a city walk past the picturesque town houses in historic Gross­basel, monu­mental build­ings of renowned offices and lively interim uses. Other­wise, you can meet me at a vernissage in an off-space or with friends in one of the authentic pubs in urban Klein­basel. You can relax in the Lange Erlen and during cosy reading sessions in one of the snack bars on the banks of the Rhine, which becomes a pulsating life­line on sunny days. And fortu­nately, the Rhine city is often blessed with nice weather.

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Ready, steady, go!

We are very happy to award the best design projects in the cate­gories Circular Design, Food Design, Furni­ture Design, Inclu­sive Design, Inte­rior Design, Product Design and Young Profes­sionals.

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The count­down is on

The time has come: The Call for Entries for Edition 23 of the Design Preis Schweiz starts on 23 March! Swiss designers, compa­nies, insti­tu­tions and producers can submit their prod­ucts, projects, services and concepts until 1 June.

We can hardly wait to discover the outstanding projects and inno­va­tions of the Swiss design land­scape and to select them on 3 November in Langen­thal.

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Edition 23

What a crazy year that completely shook so many certain­ties and secu­ri­ties in our lives. However, we have not lost our confi­dence, because in the midst of these global chal­lenges, we have also been inspired and moti­vated by many things.

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