Andreas Cami­nada



Andreas Cami­nada

Top chef Andreas Cami­nada was born in 1977 in the Surselva region of Graubünden and discov­ered his passion for cooking at an early age. In 1996 he completed his appren­tice­ship as a chef and subse­quently gained numerous expe­ri­ences in national and inter­na­tional gastronomy before taking over Schloss Schauen­stein in Fürstenau in 2003.

As Chef de Cuisine, he made it one of the best restau­rants in the world. Today it has three Michelin stars and 19 Gault Millau points. Cami­nada is not only head chef of the Schloss Schauen­stein restau­rant, but also owner of the vege­tarian restau­rant OZ, the gourmet restau­rant and boutique hotel Mammerts­berg, acasa catering, the restau­rant family IGNIV and Casa Cami­nada. His cuisine and concepts always reflect his commit­ment to sustain­able produc­tion and regional ingre­di­ents. His inno­v­a­tive creations and excel­lent culi­nary skills are appre­ci­ated world­wide and have also earned him numerous awards person­ally.

Andreas Cami­nada is also actively committed to promoting young cooking and service talent. In 2016, together with his wife Sarah Cami­nada, he founded the Fundaziun Uccelin, which connects ambi­tious schol­ar­ship holders with partner restau­rants and producers during a five-month programme.