Kristoffer Fager­ström


Partner und Produk­t­de­signer bei Note Design Studio

Kristoffer Fager­ström studied inte­rior archi­tec­ture and furni­ture design at Konst­fack Art Insti­tute in Stock­holm. During his studies, he worked as an assis­tant for his mentor Gunilla Allard, one of Sweden’s most renowned furni­ture designers, and completed an intern­ship at the Swedish archi­tec­ture studio Tengbom — one of Europe’s oldest and Scandinavia’s largest. After success­fully completing his studies, Fager­ström started his own prac­tice. He designed some prod­ucts as well as inte­riors, but mainly worked as a consul­tant for archi­tec­ture and design compa­nies.

As an inde­pen­dent designer, Fager­ström rented a work­space in the offices of Note Design Studio, and over time all of his work was commis­sioned by the creative agency itself. In 2010, the Stock­holm native finally decided to work full-time as a product designer at Note.