Andreas Saxer

Since his training as a women’s tailor and his studies in fashion and indus­trial design at ZHdK, Andreas Saxer has been promoting design in various formats. After grad­u­ating in 2003, he worked in the field of indus­trial design while pursuing his own projects. In 2006, he founded his own design studio in Zurich, collab­o­rating with compa­nies in the furni­ture industry as well as cultural insti­tu­tions. His clients include Studio Domo, Mox, Bystronic, and Dietiker AG. In addi­tion to designing furni­ture and lighting, he also creates custom objects for archi­tec­tural projects.

His work has been recog­nized with various awards, including the Bosch Archi­tec­ture Prize (2002), Inspired by Cologne (2006), Swiss Design Award (2010), iF Gold Award (2010), Good Design Award (2010), and Golden Pin Award (2011).

Andreas Saxer taught at Chang Gung Univer­sity in Taiwan from 2008 to 2009. Since March 2010, he has been a lecturer in object design at the Lucerne Univer­sity of Applied Sciences and Arts, teaching design at the inter­sec­tion of author­ship and service in collab­o­ra­tion with compa­nies and insti­tu­tions.

His work for the furni­ture industry and cultural insti­tu­tions led to the founding of two design plat­forms: he is co-initiator and co-curator of the Design Bien­nale Zürich (2017) and co-founder of the Zurich Design Weeks (2022).


Furniture Design

Inclusive Design

Interior Design

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