Lilla Wicki

Lilla Wicki is a versa­tile fashion and textile designer, known for her broad skill set and inter­na­tional expe­ri­ence. Her journey began at the renowned Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London, where she earned a degree in Fashion Design Women’s Wear. She then spent ten years refining her exper­tise in Paris and New York. Today, as an inde­pen­dent designer based in Zurich, she is dedi­cated to shaping a more sustain­able fashion future. Whether consulting through her studio MONOCHROME, devel­oping the design hub MAISON SHIFT, teaching at various insti­tu­tions, or crafting an acces­sory line from vintage textiles – her work is defined by reflec­tion, collab­o­ra­tion, and conscious creation.


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Circular Design

Furniture Design

Inclusive Design

Interior Design

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Young Professionals

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