Laure Gremion

Laure Gremion is an indus­trial designer who grad­u­ated from ECAL in 2012 at the age of 23. In early 2017, she founded her inde­pen­dent studio. Her work involves creating objects from concept to serial produc­tion for compa­nies, watch brands, home furnishing brands, art galleries, and more. Driven by ambi­tious projects, she is regu­larly commis­sioned to work with a wide range of mate­rials and manu­fac­turing tech­niques.

Through objects such as lumi­naires, bird feeders, and garden wheel­bar­rows, Laure Gremion consis­tently seeks a fresh perspec­tive that brings a smile, sparks dreams, while remaining func­tional and tech­ni­cally refined. Her work is regu­larly show­cased at inter­na­tional events such as the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Blick­fang in Copen­hagen, and the World Economic Forum in Tianjin.

Furniture Design

Inclusive Design

Interior Design

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Young Professionals

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