Samuel Perret

After completing his appren­tice­ship as a mechan­ical draughtsman in Zurich, Samuel Perret studied product design and grad­u­ated in 1999 with a project on toys for the blind. After grad­u­ating, he initially worked in furni­ture design and inte­rior archi­tec­ture before becoming an indus­trial designer at Milani Design & Consulting, where he helped design various capital goods. With a passion for design solu­tions that add value to society, he expanded his exper­tise through post­grad­uate studies in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion and a CAS in envi­ron­mental tech­nology and sustain­ability.

For the past fifteen years, he has worked some­what off the design scene in various fields and roles as a sustain­ability expert. For example, he has assisted compa­nies in strategy devel­op­ment and reporting as a consul­tant and managed a specialist unit for SME envi­ron­mental consulting at the City of Zurich. He is currently also a lecturer in sustain­ability and design at the HSLU and FHNW. Since 2020, he has been back at Milani Design & Consulting as Head of Inno­va­tion and Strategy for Sustain­ability, where he contributes his exten­sive knowl­edge in the areas of sustain­ability, strategy and design.

Samuel Perret Ausschnitt large

Young Professionals

The submissions will be evaluated by the experts of the respective discipline.