Heinz Caflisch


Galerist, Architekt


Heinz Caflisch was born in Graubünden in 1975. After completing his appren­tice­ship as an archi­tec­tural draftsman in a renowned archi­tec­tural firm in Chur, he studied archi­tec­ture at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences in Winterthur. He then continued his studies in product design and inte­rior design at the Hochschule für Kunst und Gestal­tung in Zurich. In 2001, Caflisch founded his own archi­tec­tural studio in Chur, focusing primarily on refur­bish­ments and reno­va­tions in the context of historic preser­va­tion. Later, various analyses on the subject of design and crafts­man­ship followed, as well as reflec­tions on the status and poten­tial of crafts­man­ship in Graubünden and in the Alpine region in general.

In 2015, Heinz Caflisch handed over his archi­tec­tural prac­tice and founded the format Okro Design & Craft. With the plat­form Okro, Caflisch offers consul­ta­tions for private indi­vid­uals as well as compa­nies in different design areas and acts as a medi­ator between craft, design and archi­tec­ture. He also develops objects and furni­ture with his own label in collab­o­ra­tion with designers, craftsmen and archi­tects. Caflisch regu­larly boosts the creative scene in Chur with contem­po­rary and inno­v­a­tive exhi­bi­tions in the Okro Gallery. Heinz Caflisch has also been a member of the board of the Swiss Design Asso­ci­a­tion since 2020.