Nominee | Interior Design | 2019

The size of the so-called Loosbar, which the Austrian architect Adolf Loos created in 1908 in Vienna’s Kärntnerstrasse, is inversely proportional to the worldwide fame of this interior design icon. The room measures precisely 4.40×6.00×4.10 m and Loos naturally knew how to give it completely different dimensions with the help of mirrors. The degree project #LOOSLAB, which was designed at HEAD in Geneva, investigates the significance of pictures in the genesis of contemporary interior design and relationship between picture, room and reality, using this example of the legendary bar. From the original idea of a physical imitation of the Loosbar, a room developed in a process of fragmentation, reduction and new composition, achieving its attraction through a pleasurable game of appearance and reality. The Loos installation built by students wants neither to be a copy nor a simulation of the original, but still claims a larger reality than the original known to most people only through pictures. For the students the project combined historical research and theoretical reflection with very specific design issues when implementing the installation.
Comments of the nominators
A wonderful, facet-rich training project, which gave students a wide range of theoretical and practical insights in an almost playful manner. The temporary installation, which could be experienced on several occasions when a bar was run, also offered visitors many noteworthy and inspiring insights – quite apart from the entertaining aspect.
Comments of the jury

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