Nominee | Fashion | 2013
Lodonite Master Diploma
Lodonite is a clothing project that has been inspired by minerals. A fascination for rocks, ores and precious stones formed the starting point for the development of the collection, the principal aim of which was to translate the visual properties of the stones into textiles and finally into clothing. Loden turned out to be the perfect basic material for the collection. It has the necessary stability and an appearance that suggests rock, concrete or marble, the edges can be left unhemmed allowing an impression of raw strength. The multilayered versatility of quartz and agate led to the idea of layering the different materials and so allowing the garments to expand in space. The variety of stone surfaces, sometimes shiny and sometimes matt, finds its expression in the variety of the materials used, which lend this sculpturally conceived collection a special note of its own.
Comments of the nominators
Starting from an exciting place, and correspondingly inspired, this collection convincingly visualises the beauty of crystals and stones. The experiment of translating the hard material into textiles has been successful both on the level of colour and on that of colour and texture combinations. The three-dimensional realisation leads to interesting architectural forms.
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