Winner | Communication | 2013
Reportagen, Weltgeschehen im Kleinformat. Konzeption und Gestaltung eines Magazins
The magazine “Reportagen” [Reports] has been coming out every two months since 2011. It is focused on the journalistic genre of literary reporting. The design emphasises the special nature of the publishing concept and makes the magazine distinctively unique. The handy format and choice of materials – linen binding and uncoated paper – and the single-column layout align the magazine with the printed book. The cover, which also serves as a table of contents, is purely typographically based, pointing to the character of the magazine as a text medium. By contrast with usual marketing strategies, there are no photographs. Instead, the magazine relies on illustrations and infographics. A specially developed font aimed at maximum readability is another identifying feature.
Comments of the nominators
The designers, who were also involved with the publishing work, have made a considerable contribution to the quality and uniqueness of the magazine. Along with other convincing choices, the decision to use illustrations and infographics in this medium instead of photographs underlines the literary character of the texts.
More projects from edition 2013