Nominee | Fashion | 2011
sugar, spice and everything nice
The debut collection of this designer draws its inspiration from the labradoodle – a hybrid strain of dog that results from the crossing of a labrador and a poodle. The “jackpacks” which are the key element of these men’s fashions also come across as a hybrid – as a cross between a jacket and a rucksack. The blending of jacket and rucksack succeeds with the help of a sophisticated cut, and only becomes visible when the garment is viewed from the side – so the lateral silhouette is an important element. Other key features of the collection are the use of hide prints on top-quality Swiss functional materials and the characteristic cut, which frequently suggests various forms of sportswear (cycling trousers, padded fencing suits, wrestling bodywear etc.).
Comments of the nominators
This special approach to fashion makes an impression that irritates and fascinates at the same time. It has an international slant, yet still succeeds in retaining the appearance of functionality. The collection has a certain refinement, but remains solid and down to earth. It testifies to a high degree of creative independence.
More projects from edition 2011