Nominee | Textiles | 2009
“REPEATREPEAT” is the name of a research project which was developed under the auspices of a postgraduate programme at the Zurich University of the Arts. Based on a comprehensive analytical approach, it is concerned with a phenomenon which has always played a significant part in the field of design – that of repetition. The central leading question of the project is – How should design deal with repetition, when as a result of technical developments it is actually no longer indispensable? “REPEATREPEAT” engages first of all with the traditional concept of repetition, and then investigates in depth its potential for design. The project analyses forms, structures and functions of repetition in a design context, and explores ways in which variation can be generated.
Comments of the nominators
This research project could become a standard reference work for all designers who find themselves confronted with the phenomenon of repetition in their work.
More projects from edition 2009