
Founded as a service for the rental of prams from an established manufacturer, the start-up has now used its experience to develop a customised pram for the circular economy. The stroller is made up of components of pure materials that are replaceable, repairable and recyclable. The sustainable idea goes beyond the product itself: the strollers are available exclusively in the form of a product service system and can therefore be flexibly exchanged for other models by the users. After use, the strollers are cleaned at loopi and prepared for a new round with the next family.
Comments of the jury
The start-up has made the circular use, production and design of prams its mission. With the launch of a rental service, the company has worked its way from the process to the product and thus ensures that the often complex issue of return is also an essential part of the business model. The business model, especially the connections between delivery service and product development, is currently still complex to communicate. However, the high-quality and well thought-out design of the «Loopi» stroller, with its modularity, consistent design and collaboration with established market participants, makes it possible to create a product that comprehensively meets circular requirements. In this way, the company meets the versatile requirements for use and its rapid change with an adaptable product system that can also serve as a role model for other industries.

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