Park Chair
The stringent and well thought-out design makes the «Park Chair» a concise chair design, produced by the established traditional company Embru. The furniture continues the long design tradition of timeless metal garden furniture. The arched shape of the tubular steel rear legs characterises the look and gives the compact chair its armchair character. Designer Moritz Schmid has thus succeeded in creating a design of lasting quality.
Comments of the jury
The main feature is the concise curve in the back legs, which gives the seat a strong character. At the same time, the design signature of designer Moritz Schmid is characterised by a timeless simplicity with a high recognition value and refers to the existing product language that can be found in the range of the traditional company. Thanks to its essential design, the seating furniture can not only be used outdoors, but also looks good indoors. The typology of the bistro chair is interpreted in an exciting way by the «Park Chair»: With references to a lounge chair, the furniture is designed for comfortable sitting. In addition to formal stringency, the chair is also characterised by comprehensive reflection on a technical level: Both traditional and newer manufacturing methods are used in production. In addition, all the individual parts of the chair can be replaced and repaired, which means that the furniture also cuts a good figure in ecological terms. The project is a pleasing example of how even traditional Swiss companies dare to develop new products, taking ecological factors seriously and at the same time carrying the legacy of Swiss design into the future.
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